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Reid Garwin
Reid 1




Human (Warlock)








Joseph Garwin (father)
Meredith Garwin (mother)



Played by

Toby Hemingway

Harry Potter can kiss my ass!
Reid Garwin

Reid Garwin is the second youngest (third oldest) of the Sons of Ipswich and is known for being reckless and irresponsible in using his powers. His parents are Meredith and Joseph Garwin and he attends Spenser Academy along with his friends and fellow warlocks Caleb Danvers, Tyler Simms, and Pogue Parry. When Chase Collins began using his powers at the Dells, the boys originally suspected that Reid was the one responsible.


Reid is shown to be reckless and irresponsible when using his powers. He often uses them in inappropriate situations that could have led to the boys being exposed. Despite this, he is capable of seriousness if he feels the situation requires it. He doesn't appear to be interested in school, as we see him not paying attention in his classes, but has read Dreamcatcher by Stephen King, suggesting he likes to read (or he was referring to the film adaptation). He is also very flirtatious, and a ladies man. This is proven when he starts to hit on Sarah when he just meets her--but fails to impress her with what he thinks is a flirty comment: "You know, Sarah's my Grandmother's name."


Reid is seen entering the bonfire attended by the students of Spenser Academy. He is the first to jump off the cliff and use his powers to land safely, the rest follow and join the party. When the Sons of Ipswich get into a confrontation with Aaron and Bordy, Reid mischievously uses his powers to force Bordy to vomit all over Aaron, to the dismay of Caleb. The police shortly arrive and the students flee the party. Before a flirtatious encounter with Sarah, where Reid once again uses his powers and fixes her broken car, Reid hops into Tyler's car and try to evade the police. A chase ensues and the Ipswich boys make the car levitate from a cliff and narrowly escapes being arrested.

When a student at the Bonfire turns up dead, Caleb suspects that Reid may be involved, due to his frequent use (and misuse) of his powers. Reid strongly denies this and the two get in a confrontation at Nicky's bar and use magic to fight each other. Reid is hurled into a stack of glass bottles by Caleb, who is close to ascending.

Caleb later discovers that the misuse of magic is from Chase and confides in Reid and their friends of the situation. He is later tasked with protecting Sarah at the school dance, as Chase is looking to kill her. However, Chase gets to her first and holds her hostage.

Physical Appearance[]

Reid Garwin is attractive (like the rest of his "brothers"). He stands at about 5'10, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He's the "bad boy" type and usually seen with his signature finger-less black gloves. He wears casual hoodies, jackets, and baggy jeans like Tyler does but in darker colors. He's also seen with a black beanie And a black leather necklace

Powers & Abilities[]

"Harry Potter can kiss my ass!" - Reid on his powers

Reid is shown to be the most reckless and irresponsible member of the Sons of Ipswich in terms of using his powers. His headstrong attitude and overestimation of his abilities often goes to his head and can prove to be a weakness, as seen with his fight with Caleb.

Reid's displayed powers are:

  • Enhanced Strength: He can use The Power to increase his physical strength to an unknown degree. Despite his increased strength, he is no match for Caleb due to his greater power.
  • Aerokinesis: He can control the flow of wind and air, possibly through some form of telekinesis.
  • Telekinesis: He can manipulate and move objects with his will. He levitated and tossed a propane tank at Caleb with great force. He and his friends were able to fly Tyler's Hummer off of a cliff and through the air by combining their telekinetic abilities. Reid also used telekinesis to slow down his descent from the top of a cliff and land safely on the ground.
  • Technopathy: He was able to fix Sarah's car without even touching the engine.


  • He and Pogue are the only Sons of Ipswich with blonde hair (Pogue has dirty blonde hair).
  • Reid is the "bad boy" of the group and, mostly likely, the Spencer Academy.
  • Reid apparently watches Stephen King films, as he makes a statement during class about Dreamcatcher.
  • According to Pogue when it was suspected that Reid was abusing his powers (in reality, it was Chase), Reid was jealous of Caleb because he was ascending first.
  • It is suspected that Reid knows about the Harry Potter series to say what he said in the beginning of the film.
  • Reid and Chase have a similar drive when it comes to using their powers, but where they differ is that while Chase is willing to harm others to get what he wants, Reid is more of a prankster and jokester, looking to use his powers for his own amusement rather than actually harm someone, except for whenever he feels he is being pushed too far.


  • "Would you just let us help you? You know we've got your back."
  • "I didn't use later."
  • "That's not possible."
  • "He can't be."
  • "I swear."
  • "Dreamcatcher was the shit."
  • "Not until you ascend."
  • "Blue, cotton."
  • "So I fixed her car."
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Harry Potter can kiss my ass!"
  • "Say my name!"
  • "Stop being such a pussy."
  • "Would you look at that?"
  • "

