The Covenant Wiki
Chase Collins
The covenant 07




Human (Warlock)


Double Ascended






John Putnam (ancestor; deceased)
Agnes Goodwin Pope (ancestor; deceased)
Hagen Goodwin Pope (ancestor; deceased)
Arthur Collins (adoptive Father; deceased)
Gillian Collins (adoptive Mother; deceased)
Unnamed father (deceased)



Played by

Sebastian Stan

I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!
Chase Collins to Caleb Danvers

Chase Collins (originally named Chase Goodwin Pope) is the long-banished fifth son of the Sons of Ipswich. He is the descendant of Hagen Goodwin Pope, the bastard son of John Putnam and Agnes Goodwin Pope. He returned to the Ipswich colony and enrolled himself at Spenser Academy in order to manipulate Caleb Danvers into willing him his share of The Power.


"You can't imagine what it was like, growing up not knowing what this was."

- Chase describes his teenage years to Caleb

Chase Goodwin Pope was born July 14th, 1988. At age two, he was adopted by the Collins after the death of his mother.

When his powers first manifested on his 13th birthday, he was scared and spent his teenage years in fear and confusion. However, as he began to use his abilities, he learned to control them and became addicted to their euphoric effects. At some point, he found his b father, who theinformed him about the Covenant, The Power, and the Sons of Ipswich. Zoe

His father had used his powers to such an extent that it had reduced him to an old and weakened state. Thus, in order to end his father's suffering (something his father had desired after using his powers for so long and being near death), increase his own powers and take revenge on the Covenant, Chase convinced him to will him (transfer) his share of The Power. Zoe

After Ascending on his 18th birthday, Chase manipulated his adoptive parents' car into crashing, killing them. He transferred to Spenser Academy, using a large donation of money from his family trust to make the process smoother.

Meeting the Sons of Ipswich[]

After enrolling at Spenser Academy, he quickly catches the attention of Kate and Sarah, with the former being the girlfriend of Pogue Parry. Kate introduces him to the Sons of Ipswich at the annual Bonfire event, after brief introductions, they flee from the party as the police arrive. Sometime during the event, he killed a student in his car by teleporting into the backseat and putting a hex on him. He then used a darkling spirit in the form of the deceased student to taunt Caleb. Chase spends more time with Kate and Sarah and in-turn, encounters the Sons several more times - even offering to help them during a bar brawl at Nikki's against Aaron.

The truth revealed[]

During swim practice at Spenser, Caleb and Chase compete in the pool and he uses his powers to increase his own speed and win the race, but not before catching the attention of Caleb, who sees his eyes change as a result of The Power. Now suspicious of him, Caleb and Pogue break into the admissions office to find out more about Chase and it is there they discover his familial history and his connection to the covenant.

He taunts the girls using his magic, stalking Sarah in the showers using astral projection as well using a spell of creation to manifest hundreds of spiders to bite Kate and trigger a deadly allergic reaction. He also encounters an angry Pogue, enraged at Kate's condition due to magic, and Chase easily throws him off his motorcycle and puts him in the hospital.

Caleb confronts Chase and reveals that he was behind the deaths and magic use on campus all along. Chase demands that in order to save Sarah and his friends, he must surrender his magic to him after he ascends.

Final battle[]

Caleb meets Chase at the old barn. Thinking Sarah is safe, Caleb is shocked to find her hovering and unconscious in the barn after being kidnapped from the annual dance by Chase. Caleb refuses to surrender his powers and the two battle. Chase has the advantage due to his double ascension. However, when Caleb finally ascends, the playing field is even ... almost. Still having the upper hand, Chase looks to be winning the fight until the Danver's patriarch sacrifices himself to empower Caleb and using a powerful blast of telekinetic energy, seemingly kills Chase and sends him flying into the burning barn.

Hours later, the fire department arrives at the barn but don't find Chase's body, could he be alive and out there somewhere?


Newspaper clipping about the Collins' car "accident"

Character Traits[]

"Ooooh, Witchy! Oops. Did I just say 'witch'?"
- Chase taunting Caleb

Chase appears to be a happy-go-lucky guy when we first see him. He's charming and friendly, easily making friends with Kate Tunney and Sarah Wenham. It's not until he confronts Caleb in Sarah's dorm that his true nature comes out. He feels no remorse for hurting or killing people, including his own family, stating that "it comes naturally to me". He actually takes great pleasure in using his power to make other people suffer. He feels like he's been wronged by not being a part of the Covenant and plans on making them pay.

Powers & Abilities[]

"He's more powerful...than you can imagine."

- Pogue Parry, after being attacked by Chase, informs Caleb Danvers

Chase possessed more power than that of an ascended warlock usually does. He was more powerful than any one individual member of the Sons of Ipswich alone. Unfortunately, however, Chase's increased power also increased the seduction/addiction aspect that his powers had on him, causing him to use them excessively and continue to slowly drain his health and accelerate his age with each use.

Chase's vast powers include:

  • Energy Blasts: Chase could create projectiles of telekinetic energy that could shatter the ground and knock people down or high into the air.
    Mod article917660 13

    Chase telekinetically creates tendrils

  • Advanced Telekinesis: Chase's telekinesis is far more advanced than those of the other Sons of Ipswich. He displayed a unique psionic ability to actually create "tendrils" of telekinetic energy from his hands that could latch on and drag Caleb across the ground. He could use his fingers to create a powerful bash of energy to knock Caleb back to the ground. He then levitated Caleb high into the air and tossed him out of Putnam Barn with great speed and concussive force.
  • Long-Range Teleportation: Chase could instantaneously teleport himself and others from one location to another and across great distances. He could also perform short-range teleportation, as he moved Sarah from the front door of her dorm room to Kate's bed.
  • Glamouring: He can alter his appearance and voice using The Power, such as when he assumed Caleb's appearance and voice to trick Sarah into letting him into her dorm room.
  • Telekinetic Flight: Chase could levitate and maneuver through the air via his amplified telekinetic abilities, simulating flight.
  • Atmokinesis: Chase could influence the weather to some degree; capable of controlling and manipulating the elements: Water, Air, and Lightning (Quintessence).
  • Creation: Chase could cast a powerful creation spell, he did this in the form of spiders that were able to invade people in their dreams and cause anaphylactic shock to those with an allergic reaction to them if bitten enough by them. This could be reversed by him willingly or if he is defeated and sent elsewhere. It is unknown if he could create other things or creatures. It is possible that this ability is associated only to his family.
  • Darkling Manipulation: While not known for sure, Chase can apparently manipulate dark spirits of the dead, as he, presumably, sent a darkling version of one of his victims to haunt Caleb and the other Sons of Ipswich.


  • "I'm Chase Collins."
  • "More power."
  • Did you see my problem here? I like to use a lot. Only no one ever told me about the effects, the damage, the addiction.
  • "My father never had this kind of power."
  • "Just think of yourself as a sacrificial lamb."
  • "It's either you...or them. Brother."
  • "You can't imagine what it was like, growing up not knowing what this was."
  • "Ooooh, Witchy! Oops, wait. Did I-- Did I just say 'witch'?"
  • "How about I make you a wee-otch?"
  • "Like taking candy from a baby."
  • "Easy as pie."
  • "A lot."
  • "Nobody warned me about the, uh, effects."
  • "You know, the damage."
  • "The addiction."
  • "It''s what I need."
  • "I have everything I could possibly want."
  • "Let's just keep this between the Sons of Ipswich."
  • "By then, he was already a bitter, old man."
  • "Or I should say bitter, old, young man."
  • "So I got him to give me his share of The Power."
  • "Just ask my adoptive parents."
  • "It comes natural to me."
  • "And don't think I won't kill them."
  • "Are we ascending?"
  • "Say the words!"
  • "That all he wanted was to end the suffering."
  • "And then he died, knowing that his son was going to get revenge on your...Covenant."
  • "Where you will will me your power."
  • "What's left of the families!"
  • "And your mom!"
  • "He caught me doing a little bit of magic."
  • "So I caught a ride with him to the bonfire."
  • "I..."'
  • "Will..."
  • "You..."
  • "I was...hooked."
  • "And we know what happens."
  • "Like all the men in our bloodline, he was more than willing to break the laws of your...sacred little club."
  • "But it was already too late for me."
  • "Want?"
  • "Be at Putnam barn."
  • "I like to use."
  • "





  • Chase initially believed that taking the power of another member of the Sons of Ipswich once they ascended would keep him from aging each time he used his own powers.
  • It is unknown where, how or when he found his biological father.
  • Chase never spoke about his biological mother.


Other Languages[]
